The mother-in-law of a female soldier who lost her life in the flawed withdrawal from Afghanistan under President Biden’s leadership was featured on CNN.
During the interview, the host mistakenly assumed that the Biden administration had reached out to offer condolences to the family.
However, the woman revealed that they had not received any communication from anyone in the Biden administration, leaving the host visibly surprised by this revelation.
This lack of contact may not come as a shock to many outside of CNN, where there is a perception of President Biden as a figure of “great empathy.”
Here’s how the exchange goes, via Twitchy:
CNN anchor left STUNNED when gold star mom says that Biden has NEVER reached out to her family about her daughter-in-law’s death.
CNN: “He’s often called the ‘Consoler in Chief.’ He does talk to families who’ve lost loved ones…Have you experienced that from him?”
Christy Shamblin: “No.”
CNN: “Have you spoken to him?”
Christy Shamblin: “No. He’s not reached out to our family. We’ve actually reached out to the White House and have never heard back. We asked to meet with them…We’ve not received a response. It’s been months.”
CNN: “Sorry to hear that.”
Watch the exchange below:
Once again, the lack of surprise is evident to everyone except individuals such as the CNN host. The mainstream media is clearly disconnected from reality.
CNN taking heads and the rest of the their cohorts in the MSM, simply assume Joe is the wonderful, caring, concerned person they kmagine him to be. So, it is no surprise they did not do basic research for this story. I notice the reporter’s attitude about Biden’s lack of contact was, “Huh. Moving on….”
Notice how fast the CNN commentator switched gears to the other guest after she learned the “consoler in chief” had done jack spit to console the family of this dead soldier. How is this babe a journalist? Undoubtedly the only folks who believe this tripe about Biden and the DEMs being wonderful are those who lack the intellectual curiosity to learn the TRUTH and only watch CNN. Hey Dem voters, I dare you to watch FOX for a whole week and see if you dont get a better picture of whats really happening across the country. Hint: the danger to the country is NOT Donald Trump. “Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.”
The MSM is doing their very best to cover for senile, bumbling, nasty Joe. They have had many years of practice. Remember their weeks of glowing prime time reports, as Barack said many times,”We will keep this promise to the American people: If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. If you like your health-care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health-care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what.”
Dems in my office gushed about how wonderful that was going to be, as well as the $2500 they were going to save in annual premiums. They bragged Obamacare passed with all Democrat votes, “Because Democrats care about people!” Once Barack signed it, it was as obvious as the sunrise that he and the all Congressional Dems had lied.
Like everyone else, the Dems in the office lost their doctors and healthcare plans, and their premiums skyrocketed.
They could not face the fact that they had been lied to. They ranted that some way, some how, evil Republicans stole those promises about keeping their doctors and healthcare plans.
The MSM joyfully aided Obama. They ignored the lies. Their stories gushing about Obamacare were like headlines:”Titanic! Success! People Arrive In New York!” Just no mention that the ship sank, more than half the people died, etc, etc.