The wealthiest individuals in the world, who frequently travel by private jet and contribute to fossil fuel consumption as they move between their lavish properties, often express dissatisfaction with the general public’s reluctance to invest in expensive and unreliable electric vehicles for the sake of environmental preservation.
However, they themselves engage in contrasting behavior.
To illustrate this point, consider an incident at a recent World Economic Forum event held in Switzerland.
A tapestry depicting satanic imagery was presented as “art”, which garnered significant attention following the Davos summit.
According to a report published by the EU Times, this peculiar and unsettling artwork gained viral recognition after its display at the event.
“It began when journalist Larry Alex Taunton went undercover to the annual globalist confab and infiltrated a conference room full of elites talking about the U.N.’s Sustainable Development Goals,” the report said.
“During their discussion, Taunton’s camera caught sight of the work of art, known as the Walthamstow Tapestry, hanging on the wall next to them.”
The report explained that tapestry “is a large mural created in 2009 by cross-dressing contemporary artist Grayson Perry.”
In the manner of ancient cave paintings, this artwork portrays a series of events including birth, the journey through a man’s life, eventual demise, as well as promotions within diverse corporate conglomerates and other intriguing moments.
“The tapestry begins with the birth of a baby along a river of blood that eventually flows into the waiting mouth of the Devil, ending in the death of an old man,” the report said.
According to a report by the Herald Posts, various companies were showcased in the display, such as Coca-Cola, Sotheby’s, Red Bull, and the BBC.
Social media users did not hold back from expressing their opinions on this matter.
“Why would they put [that] up as a decoration?” asked one user, anonymous, on social media. “You’d think it would make some attendees get a clue. So oddly blatant.”
Others wrote they understood the messaging of the tapestry, one claiming it focuses on corporations, abortion and population control, while another said, “The message is clear. In fact, explicitly clear – it’s satanic.”
One commenter turned sarcastic: “It looks like Satan went on a bad acid trip and broke out the paint.”
The report explained that another individual compared them to murals showcased at the airport in Denver, Colorado, suggesting that they bear a resemblance to these artworks.
According to this person, the murals in question seem to depict a range of globalist objectives, with the primary focus being the reduction of human population disguised as efforts to “protect nature.”
Satan is running that crap show and the United States! All while “they” fix the world. These highly educated people must not know they are employed by the devil!! Much ignorance!!
They are all Satan’s disciples pushing their evil agenda.They showed the world who they are
The WEF is afraid to have meetings in America. They should be! Cowards, all
The WEF is afraid to schedule meetings in America. They should be. Cowards, all!
Satanic Tapestry = ‘SECRET SOCIETY’ FREEMASONRY = WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM. This math is simple but deadly, EVERY soul that belongs to WEF belongs to Satan…
this is a ‘RED’ COMMIE site, don’t waste your time… they moderate every last word. Hey commies, you know what to kiss, & where, it’s that little brown spot. kiss it, it shows your value and your worth- your honesty and integrity, of which you have NONE… thank you for giving me the opportunity to expose your smelly sh*t…