Former President Donald Trump achieved a significant win on Wednesday when the U.S. Supreme Court announced their decision to address the issue of presidential immunity and potentially postpone a criminal trial until after the election.
The court confirmed they would review the question of “whether and to what extent a former president is shielded by presidential immunity from criminal prosecution for actions alleged to have occurred during their time in office.”
Special counsel Jack Smith urged the court not to delay the trial, emphasizing its crucial national importance. The case will be reviewed by the court during the week of April 22.
Even if the Supreme Court rules against Trump, any decision would likely take several months.
Some critics on the left interpreted this move as an indication that the highest court in the country was part of a larger scheme aimed at influencing the election outcome in favor of Trump.
Among the loudest and most histrionic voices on the left was MSNBC host Chris Hayes. He called the order “a clear, unmistakable sign from the MAGA majority of the Trump-created court that they are with him. That they are going to use their power to make sure that he does not face trial in an election year for attempting to end American democracy.”
“Just plain terrifying”
“What the Supreme Court did today is just plain terrifying,” read a social media post from Slate writer Mark Joseph Smith. “The justices are actively abetting Trump’s efforts to run out the clock and evade trial for Jan. 6. In a choice between independence and cynical partisan loyalty, a majority picked the latter.”
“Trump’s goal is to deny justice by delaying justice,” replied Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff of California. “Sadly, the Justices seem ok with that result. There was no reason for them to hear this case. A president is not immune from prosecution when he violates the law to stay in power. Not in a democracy.”
“Let’s not beat around the bush, decision by the Supreme Court to hear the Trump immunity case is outrageous and, at its heart, fundamentally corrupt,” said columnist David Rothkopf. “The decision not to hear it until late April makes further significant trial delays likely. They are deliberately delaying the trial without any reasonable legal reason to do so. This is a political decision and, in my estimation, an ugly one.”
“After delaying for weeks, the Supreme Court finally decided to rule on Trump having presidential immunity. F*** THIS SUPREME COURT. EXPAND THE COURT,” responded musician Dave Ryder.
At least one Democrat tried to find a bright side in the announcement. Democrat Rep. Ted Lieu of California predicted that it would motivate Democrats to show up to the polls and defeat Trump.
“My view of the SCOTUS action: if the trial is delayed until after November, we will see THE LARGEST BLUE WAVE IN HISTORY,” Lieu tweeted. “If November becomes a referendum on whether Trump faces justice, then Democrats will absolutely flip the House, keep the White House and expand the Senate.”
NBC News labeled the announcement as a legal triumph and a significant political and rhetorical success for Trump.
If the Supreme Court rules in favor of Trump’s immunity, the charges against him will be dismissed.
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Democrats are assholes so nobody can contest elections that fraud was everywhere. Look at two time loser Hillary Clitn who scream she won the election and all those other Democrats claiming the where cheated their win. Wake up America before it’s to late in person voting only must have a certified document to vote by mail only. If you can’t certify election document your vote won’t count that will end all corruption suck that up democrats. FJB & FAMILY
When you look at the democrats and who they represent, how can you wonder why they falling apart. Idoits at their best. And yet they still can’t understand why their losing at every turn. Try being a honest person for once in your life. Instead of the dirty scumbag yall become